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Meet The Team

Backed By Great People,
100% Customer Focused.

The most important asset to our company, is our people. Our team was built with you as our focus.

Steve Lowder

Steve Lowder

Loan Officer
NMLS#: 2164213
Gabe Lucero

Gabe Lucero

Loan Officer
NMLS#: 2172497
Ben Lungren

Ben Lungren

Loan Officer
NMLS#: 1991429
Mark Tucker

Mark Tucker

Loan Officer
NMLS#: 926627
Bruce Stephens

Bruce Stephens

Loan Officer
NMLS#: 234628
William Weston

William Weston

Loan Officer
NMLS#: 2462970
Austin Roberts

Austin Roberts

Loan Officer
NMLS#: 2284920
Ben Lemon 1

Ben Lemon

Loan Officer
NMLS#: 71650
LaDonna Swapp

LaDonna Swapp

Loan Officer
NMLS#: 2178426

Mitch Webb

Loan Officer
NMLS#: 1534889
Katie Pickens

Katie Pickens

Loan Officer
NMLS#: 1467204
Bryce Burnham

Bryce Burnham

Loan Officer
NMLS#: 1308990

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